Over 10,000 people subscribe to my moonly newsletter,  Ancestors to Elements.

Why ancestors and elements? Elements and ancestors are ancient & expansive metaphors and practices that seem to exist in every culture throughout time. I use them here to emphasize how human existence rests on a key paradox: you are absolutely interconnected with everything (elements) and you are also a uniquely independent being (ancestors). This newsletter is part of my attempt to communicate the truth and miracle of our sacred belonging.

On new 🌑 and full 🌕 moons I send an original essay. Four times a year, I send my “advice column” In My Experience...


Every newsletter, I include a unique collage (made by me), an audio version (read aloud by me) and image descriptions for any visuals. On the last-quarter-moon, I send 🌗 Last Quarter List — a list of what I’m enjoying (reading/seeing/hearing/experiencing). On the first-quarter-moon, I post the 🌓 First Quarter Chat in the Substack Chat.

 “Sebene's writing has opened my eyes to new ways of experiencing the world. She brilliantly combines the immanent and the transcendent to realize a profound this-worldliness.” -Tara MacMullin, What Works

“Sebene Selassie is a wonderful writer and a treasured source of wisdom on spirit and belonging.” -Maud Newton, Ancestor Trouble